Recently, I found myself at a local garage to have my vehicle serviced. I was the only customer, so I started conversing with the forty-ish manager. We talked about our hometowns, kids, spouses, and all the normal stuff. Then I asked what church she attended.
Immediately, her demeanor shifted. She became defensive. Her tone changed. "I haven't attended church since I moved here (several years ago)," she said. "But my son and husband (who do not attend church regularly either) volunteer for projects at an area church.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes...," Romans 1:16
"We are Catholic. I went to Catholic schools. I work Sundays, so I cannot attend church." The words tumbled out, like a confession. I, seemingly, had hit a motherlode of guilt.
I'm not sure why her demeanor changed. I wasn't probing for secrets. I wanted to invite her to join us at my church on Sunday if she didn't have a church home.
I guess this illustrates an important point. Scratch the surface, and everyone has a story about their relationship (or non-relationship) with God). For an opportunity to spread the gospel, all we have to do is ask a few questions.